Parcours: Corpus 1/6 + Earthbounds + Pawāaraibu – filling the vacuum Xavier Bobés, Catalonia + VERAVOEGELIN, Germany + Jana Kerima Stolzer / Lex Rütten, Germany
Puppets for Future - Puppet theaters and sustainability Theater Salz+Pfeffer und Schaubude Berlin, Deutschland
Puppets XXL - Schaubude Open Air florschütz & döhnert, Ariel Doron, Kabinet Mirage, Klinika Lalek, flunker produktionen
Short Film Programme: Confetti man + The mind of Lalo Cura + Who’s talking? Figurentheater Anne-Kathrin Klatt, Deutschland + Sebastian Ryser, Deutschland + Çağlar Yiğitoğullari, Deutschland
Hinterland • Martha Morpheus • Gute Nacht Pragmata, Berlin | Tatjana Reeh, Berlin | Theater Textura Esther Nicklas, Berlin
[Two] Thousand [Twenty] and One Night Deeb Elqumssan, Mohamed Bakr, Alia Sadek, Gaza and Film Riss Theater, Berlin
A Thing of One Hundred Possibilities On Aesthetic and Artistic Research With and In Theater Melanie Hinz
Cloud Researchers Jana Barthel, Alexandra Semmler and team in collaboration with children from INA.KINDER.GARTEN Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
Puppetstar(t) Students of the Department of Contemporary Puppetry Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch
Theory Café #10: Items that stand between medicine and poison Beate Absalon, Sebastian Köthe (Germany)
Code of Conduct, Klauseln, Betriebsvereinbarung? Paths to anti-discrimination mission statements and self-commitment AG Formen der Solidarität, Die Vielen
Icarus Studio Production by the Third Year Students in Contemporary Puppet at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts, Berlin
¡ca-razy! Attempts at Chaos, Flying and Machines Eine ForscherTheater-Produktion der Schaubude Berlin mit TUKI Bühne
Blog On the Schaubude blog you can currently find an interview with author Jill Levenfeld about the memoirs she wrote about Holocaust survivor Irene Grumach-Shirun and the connection to our own production To Bear Witness . There you will also find a … read more
Inside Schaubude A trailer and a camera flight through the theatre show you how the Schaubude looks from the inside. read more