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Two Monsters

  • TheaterGeist, Berlin
  • Duration 40 minutes
  • in German
    from 3
  • Child €6,50 | group with JKS concession €4,50 | Adult €9,00 | concession €8,00
  • Object theatre based on the children’s book of the same name by David McKee; translated from the English by Rolf Inhauser


“The day is on its way!” “Rubbish! The night is disappearing, stupid!”

“The day is on its way!” “Rubbish! The night is disappearing, stupid!”

Once upon a time there were two little monsters. The blue monster lived on the west side of the mountain, where the sun sets. The red monster lived on the east side of the mountain, where the sun rises. And if the mountain didn’t have a hole in it, they wouldn’t even have been able to talk to each other. But now they are having an argument. They insult each other and throw stones... Until the mountain collapses and they both see each other for the first time.

An entertaining parable about arguments and understanding, a change of perspective and empathy, staged with the use of a lot of dough and a rotating platform.

The performances on 5 and 6 April can only be booked by school/daycare groups at

Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here.


5.4. Tue

6.4. Wed

Annegret Geist

Alexandra Kaufmann, Friederike Krahl

Text, dramaturgy:
Annegret Geist, Alexandra Kaufmann, Friederike Krahl

Stage design
Annegret Geist, Bodo Herrmann

Costumes, scenography
Simone Pätzold

Performing rights:
Fischer Kinder- und Jugendbuchverlag GmbH


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