Schaubude Berlin - Home


On the Schaubude blog you can currently find an interview with author Jill Levenfeld about the memoirs she wrote about Holocaust survivor Irene Grumach-Shirun and the connection to our own production To Bear Witness.

There you will also find a variety of reactions to the program of our international festival Theater der Dinge, background information on the productions in our program and on artistic research processes and discourses in the world of puppet and object theater.

Window exhibition by Jonathan Schmidt-Colinet and Cali Kobel A thread weaves through the roof of a house - outlines crumble, the asphalt melts away. You become part of my landscape. Where are you standing? What do you see? If the perspectives are …
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Here is a PDF download of the statement by the children's and youth theatres addressed to Berlin's politicians, of which we are signatories. It describes what is needed so that the city's children's and youth theatres can continue to operate in …
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