Schaubude Berlin
Greifswalder Str. 81-84
Public transportation
10405 Berlin
(030) 42 34 31 4
»Greifswalder Straße«-
S1, S231
Beetle Republic
- die quadriga, Berlin/Dresden
- Duration 70 minutes
in German
- Adult €16,50 | discounted €11,50
Full-body mask theatre with live music
They don't have much time. Four wayward beetles board a theatre, death is imminent, that's how it is. Instead of a quiet departure, however, they experience their last minutes on a stage. Without obeying the laws of the theatre, they develop a revue from the world of metamorphosis with philosophical scenes, music, absurd thoughts and, of course, from their dreams, the connections to which cannot yet be known.
A wild farewell song, a show according to the rules of the beetles - full of noises and a certain nervous disturbance, in which the human species and its circling around itself, out of beetle eyes, are also made the subject of grotesquely funny stage moments.
23.9. Thu
24.9. Fri
25.9. Sat
26.9. Sun
Idea, Play
Marie Bretschneider, Ulrike Langenbein, Rike Schuberty, Veronika Thieme
Kalma Streun
Music, composition
Rike Schuberty
Instrument making
Simon Bauer
Antoscha Haensch
Ulrike Langenbein, Verena Waldmüller
André Kremer