Schumannstraße 8
Public transportation
10117 Berlin
»Deutsches Theater, U-Bahnhof Oranienburger Tor, S+U-Bahnhof Friedrichstr.«-
147U6S1, S2, S3, S5, S7, S9, S26, S25M1, M12
Lenaustraße 3
Public transportation
12047 Berlin
»U Schönleinstraße, U Hermannplatz/ Urbanstr.«-
U7, U8M29, M41
BREAKDOWN – (Post)Digitale Communities der Freien Szene TDD
in German and English spoken languageFor colleagues
- For free
Registration at anmeldung@outofthebox-now.de
Complete program and registration at: http://breakdown.outofthebox-now.de/
Independent artist groups in performing arts have been independently honing their (post)digital skills for many years and integrating these into their artistic practice. From 3 to 5 November 2022, the BREAKDOWN networking conference will create a space for networking within the independent digital scene and for sharing (post)digital ways of working. The programme is aimed at interdisciplinary artists from the independent scene who are deeply engaged with practices such as creative coding, software development, interaction design, physical computing, XR design, game design and much more in the course of their work. The programme curated by the media and performance group OutOfTheBox consists of practice-oriented formats such as live tutorials, open workshops and round-table talks which encourage participants to come and share their knowledge, the challenges they face, and their various ideas for working at the crossroads of theatre and the digital arts, inviting them to help develop new communities. More info can be found at breakdown.outofthebox-now.de.
Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Refugio Berlin
The conference includes various points in the programme that can be used to compile an individual conference programme. There are many ways in which you can actively take part, but you can also attend events without participating. Regular breaks are scheduled into the event, while it is also possible to take an individual break at any time. Drinks and a limited catering service are available.
We will make every effort to accommodate various needs (e.g. provision of German sign language, support); please just provide us with any relevant information along with your registration by 20 October 2022.
3.11. Thu
4.11. Fri
5.11. Sat
Project sponsor
Förderverein der Schaubude Berlin e.V.
Programme direction
OutOfTheBox (Ricardo Gehn, Susanne Schuster)
Programme management
Christine Elbel
Co-production with
Schaubude Berlin
Programme and production
Emese Bodolay
Social media
Ella Estrella Tischa Raetzer
Coordination hybride formates
Stefanje Meyer
Network meeting in cooperation with
Figurentheater-Kolleg Bochum, KulturBDigital der Technologiestiftung Berlin, Labor für Digitalität an der HfS Ernst Busch, LICHTHOF Theater Hamburg, LOT-Theater Braunschweig, Pathos Theater München, Performing Arts Programm Berlin, Theaterhaus Hildesheim, Schaubude Berlin, WUK performing arts Wien, Heinrich-Böll Stiftung
With: Luise Ehrenwerth, Anton Kurt Krause, KEIKEN, Ruhr Gebieterinnen, Ingo Mewes, Vanessa Opoku, Mika Satomi, Georg Werner, Luna Nane, Markus Schubert, Heart of Code, Sebastian Schlemminger, AnnaKPok.