Schaubude Berlin
Greifswalder Str. 81-84
Public transportation
10405 Berlin
(030) 42 34 31 4
»Greifswalder Straße«-
S1, S231
Bettina strolls
- TWO FISH, Berlin
- Duration 55 minutes
in Germanfrom 5
- Child €6,50 | group with JKS discount €4,50 | group without JKS discount €5,00 | Adult €9,00 | concession €8,00
Performance with flat puppets and live music after a tale by Elizabeth Shaw
Whether it’s looking in the window of a toy shop or watching a cat in the grass of a flowering meadow, Bettina thinks lots of things are exciting on her way home. She likes to forget the time and the fact that her mum is waiting for her at home.
One day, her mother goes out. Bettina waits for her. The hands of the clock barely turn. She begins to worry more and more that something might have happened to her mum...
Just how slowly can someone dawdle? And if you’re waiting impatiently, how can you move? “Bettina bummelt” is a story about our own speed and the speed that we share with others.
The Two Fish dance company was founded by Martin Clausen and Angela Schubot. Ever since 2001, it has been an active part of Berlin’s independent scene, working on various formats in dance, theatre and performance.
Note on barrier-free access: You can find information on the structural accessibility of the venue here.
11.11. Fri
12.11. Sat
13.11. Sun
Martin Clausen, Rafał Dziemidok, Mario und Christian Schulte
Artistic collaboration
Angela Schubot, Peter Trabner
Stage design, costumes
Florent Martin
Amelie Mallmann
Co-production with
Tanzhaus NRW, Theater an der Parkaue