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New Communities

A joint project with the MA programme Play and Object at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts, February 2021-March 2022.

In the project "New Communities" we were jointly exploring spaces of possibility for digitally supported dramaturgies as well as new delocal and interactive forms of collaboration.

The core of the project was the processual and playful development of best practices for community building that address the concrete needs of production houses. We especially focussed on fostering networking between staff, artists and the audience. In this way, we wanted to foster the opening-up of artistic processes and make them more visible.

Getting started
In the first six months of the project, the Schaubude team tested a variety of digital tools and integrated some of them into existing work structures.

In the next step, groups of artists were invited to try out the tools theatrically in conjunction with the Gather Town platform. Three one-week StageJams took place. For the fourth, a commission was given; in two months, a trio of artists created the digtal experiment WASTESCAPE.

Best Practices
In February 2022, process observations and best practices were published in the final report (PDF, in German) of the project. We hope that the documentation will be useful to other production houses in transition!

"New Communities" is funded as part of the programme "Digital Development in the Cultural Sector" of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.

  • Contact person
    Tim Sandweg (he)
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