Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte - thbm
Neue Jakobstraße 9
Anfahrt über Wallstraße 32 – Haus C
10179 Berlin
»Märkisches Museum (U2), Heinrich-Heine-Str. (U8)«
U2, U8147, 165, 265
- Vendula Tomšů and Ian Mikyska, Czech Republic
- Duration 30 Minutes
in English
- Adult 12,50 € | discounted 8,00 €
Object theatre
Please note: For reasons of space, this performance will take place under the German 2G rule. This means admission will only be granted with digital proof of full vaccination against Corona virus or proof of recovery!
What is one single moment in the life of a human being compared to the vast expanse of time relating to humanity, the planet or the universe? Is there anything beyond the present moment? Vendula Tomšů and Ian Mikyska explore the boundaries of this eternal and infinite present moment to the backdrop of a captivating soundscape. Using five fascinating handmade books, some large and thick like atlases or Bibles, others tiny in size, they pose the question of how we regard time in relation to the planet, the sun or even our own breathing.
Information on the structural accessibility of the venue can be found here. English spoken and written language occurs. The audience sits very close to the playing area and the sound comes from all sides. The back row sits on raised chairs or stands. During the performance, the audience receives small books of different haptics, some of which call for action.
5.11. Fri
6.11. Sat
7.11. Sun
Direction, play, text, objects
Vendula TomšůDirection, play, text, music
Ian MikyskaCo-production of the English language version with
Bazaar Festival Prag