Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte - thbm
Neue Jakobstraße 9
Anfahrt über Wallstraße 32 – Haus C
10179 Berlin
»Märkisches Museum (U2), Heinrich-Heine-Str. (U8)«
U2, U8
147, 165, 265
Yes! No! Maybe! – A Workshop on Safer Spaces and Consent Culture
- Duration 240 Minutes
in German spoken language
- Admission free
Workshop, registration at ticket@schaubude.berlin
Whether within the context of work, private relationships or as part of art, the clarity of YES and NO provide security. In-between all that, however, lies the exciting yet unsettling territory of MAYBE. “Do you want to go out with me?” – “Depends!” “Shall we start project A?” – “Possibly.” “Is this solution satisfactory?” – “Definitely maybe.” “Would you massage my feet?” – “On one condition…” “Give me some honest feedback, please!” – “Erm…” “Did you like the book?” – “Sort of.”
The workshop asks you to navigate through shared hesitations, cautious approaches, and trying things out. How does this space feel and how can you enter it? What happens when we meet other people and we are unsure, and they also don’t know what they want? Can a feeling of well-being be derived from feeling uncomfortable? What really is a safe space and how can “maybe” provide security?
Using embodiment and performance practices in solo, duo and group exercises we look into the notion of which gestures, positions and ways of speaking allow there to be consensual understanding. In doing so, we will generate a spirit of togetherness in which we give of our best to each other and a sense of cooperation rather than competition is cultivated.
Participants are invited to bring a thing (object or puppet) of their own choice. Small scenes can be created with it and different qualities of yes, no and maybe can be tried out.
No previous knowledge required.
Having undertaken further training in theatre pedagogy, contact improvisation and solution-focused therapy, Joris Kern now delivers workshops on sexual consent and further training for professionals involved in youth work. Joris Kern works in Berlin as a mediator, specialising in queer relationships, shared flats and political projects. At the beginning of this year, the book “Konsenskultur: Gemeinsam größer denken” [‘The Culture of Consent: thinking bigger together‘] was published by Querverlag. https://konsenskultur.net
Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here.
7.11. Mon
Workshop leadership
Joris Kern