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  • Antonio Cerezo, Berlin/Mexiko
  • Duration 80 Minutes
  • in German and English
  • Adult 16,50 € | discounted 11,50 €
  • Performance, object theatre

The tragedy of love is that it is impossible not to love. Our way of love is contaminated with ideologies: patriarchal, capitalist, religious… Are we puppets manipulated by social dogmas? Antonio Cerezo and Lisa Lucassen (She She Pop) undertake to…

The tragedy of love is that it is impossible not to love. Our way of love is contaminated with ideologies: patriarchal, capitalist, religious… Are we puppets manipulated by social dogmas? Antonio Cerezo and Lisa Lucassen (She She Pop) undertake to look for and examine romantic love: the concepts of love that shape our self-esteem, our sexual fulfilment and our ideas of freedom.


29.1. Fri


30.1. Sat

31.1. Sun

Concept: Antonio Cerezo, Lisa LucassenDirected by: Antonio CerezoActors: Saioa Alvarez, Antonio Cerezo, Sylvia SchwarzVideo: Heiko KalmbachScenography, Costums: Arturo LugoCo-production with: Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes
