Schaubude Berlin - Home


  • Admission free
  • A digital experiment on Gather Town about what stays and what comes back. Registration at

Li Kemme / Team WASTESCAPE
Marcus Lieberenz
Marcus Lieberent

Nothing can go out completely, but even the future passes. Why do we want to keep some things and cannot let go of them? Some things also disappear by mistake, but are never forgotten. “WASTESCAPE” ventures into the shallows of…

Nothing can go out completely, but even the future passes. Why do we want to keep some things and cannot let go of them? Some things also disappear by mistake, but are never forgotten. “WASTESCAPE” ventures into the shallows of the Virtual Schaubude Berlin on Gather Town to encounter that which no longer serves a purpose, that which has become useless. And that which was already not really tangible before: data.

“WASTESCAPE” ventures on an interactive journey into and through digital scrap heaps and data repositories. A search for data waste separation and recycling processes on the internet, a remix of the analogue and the virtual.


2.3. Wed


6.3. Sun

17.3. Thu

18.3. Fri

By and with
Neïtah Janzing, Li Kemme, Yasmine Salimi
