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Schaubude Open Air: Ikarus

Schaubude Open Air
  • without language
    from 6
  • AKHE tell the Icarus myth spectacularly with fire, water, smoke, industrial scrap and acrobatics.
    Admission free, registration required. Registration for 13.7. >>> and for 14.7. >>>

Taya Ovod
Taya Ovod
Taya Ovod
Taya Ovod

“Icarus” is spectacular show, installation, new circus, physical theater, inspired by the ancient myth of Icarus. The latter died after flying too close to the sun – with wax wings and feathers created by his father Daedalus. What is the…

“Icarus” is spectacular show, installation, new circus, physical theater, inspired by the ancient myth of Icarus. The latter died after flying too close to the sun – with wax wings and feathers created by his father Daedalus. What is the price of freedom and how can it be achieved? The Flight of Icarus reflects Akhe’s own experience of flight from Russia and encouraged her to reinvent Daedalus’ ingenious constructions in her own way.


13.7. Thu

14.7. Fri

Pavel Semchenko, Nikolay Khamov, Sergey Azeev

Maxim Isaev

Nikolay Khamov

Anis Kronidova

Denis Krivtsov

City of Erlangen, Cultural Promotion. International figure theater festival. Erlangen, Le Moulin Fondu, Centre national des arts de la rue et de l’espace public (CNAREP) – Île-de-France, l’Association Moulin Jaune en fetes (France), Institut Francais (Russie)

Sponsored by
City of Erlangen, Cultural Promotion, International figure theater festival. Erlangen, France Institute (Russie)


Supported by
City of Erlangen, cultural promotion, International figure theater festival. Erlangen

