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queer papa queer

  • Figurentheater Ute Kahmann, Berlin
  • Duration 80 Minutes
  • in German
  • Adult 16,50 € | discounted 11,50 €
  • Biographical research with objects, documents, and puppets

Raman Zaya
Raman Zaya
Marcus Lieberenz
Marcus Lieberenz
Marcus Lieberenz
Bild: Raman Zaya

A father who takes off – that‘s an old story. A father who overcomes national borders and system limits when taking off is more unusual. The subject of “queer papa queer” is a father who left his daughter behind in…

A father who takes off – that‘s an old story. A father who overcomes national borders and system limits when taking off is more unusual. The subject of “queer papa queer” is a father who left his daughter behind in the GDR, and for his entire life does not want to admit, indeed cannot reveal, his coming out as a gay man. Biographical research with objects, documents, and puppets – and a journey through time.


9.10. Fri

10.10. Sat

11.10. Sun

Ute Kahmann, Heike ScharpffRegie
Heike ScharpffSpiel
Ute KahmannKomposition, Live-Musik
Felix KrollDramaturgie
Tom MustrophSzenografie, Puppenbau
Denis Puri, Stefan Rätsch, Raman ZayaGefördert von
Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED Diktatur, Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin – Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, FB Kunst und KulturUnterstützt von
Schaubude Berlin, Schwules
