- Duo Jost Costa & Meinhardt & Krauss
- Duration 60 Minutes
without languageab 8
- Individual ticket 5,00 € | Family 10,00 €
Online / Cinematic music theatre for children and adults
Claude Debussy’s impressionist masterpiece “La Mer” (The Sea) for four-hand piano, set by the composer, interpreted by the internationally renowned Duo Jost Costa, surrounded by the associative imagery of video artist Katharina Wibmer, conjured onto the stage by Meinhardt & Krauss.
“Meeresgeflüster” (Sea Whispers) is a children’s concert that has fallen into the sea. Two pianists on a dive explore the depths and vastness of the sea. The production works on several levels: Through the music we follow the infinite movement of the sea. Large-format video projections play with the musicians and tell stories in which the threat and transience of our environment shine through. At the same time, the interplay of both levels unfolds a dynamic, suggestive power that lets us dive into a deeper interpretation of Debussy’s music.
On Feb 19, “Meeresgeflüster” will be shown as a live stream. You will be invited to the virtual foyer on Zoom before and after the streaming. To participate, you must download the Zoom software and agree to its privacy policy. On Feb 27, the production will be available as a video on demand between 3 to 7 pm. You will receive the access links via e-mail with your ticket purchase.
19.2. Fri
6.3. Sat
7.3. Sun
An event of FITZ! Stuttgart. Shown in the frame of Allianz internationaler Produktionszentren für Figurentheater.Grand piano
Yseult Jost, Domingos CostaVideo
Katharina WibmerScenography
Michael KraussOrganisation, concept
Yseult Jost, Domingos CostaIdea, Concept
Duos Jost & Costa / Meinhardt & KraussDirection
Iris MeinhardtCooperation with FITZ! Stuttgart, Volkshochschule Stuttgart, Musikschule Stuttgart, Die KulturaktivistenSponsored by Stadt Stuttgart, Helga Drews Stiftung Gmbh, Stiftung Landesbank Baden Württemberg and Flausen-Netzwerk