Theaterhaus Berlin Schöneweide - th²
Schnellerstraße 104
12439 Berlin
»Britzer Str. (Bus), Schöneweide (S-Bahn)«
S8, S9, S45, S46, S47
165, 163, 160, 166
M11, M17, X11
Choreography for fog and objects
- scheinzeitmenschen, Germany
- Duration 25 Minutes
in German
- Ticket (valid for up to three people) 6,00 €
Material choreography
There are many faces and facets to fog. In the material choreography of the light art duo scheinzeitmenschen, fog is the protagonist. This disembodied, yet simultaneously multiform material, assumes shapes and follows sequences of movement. At times dense and impenetrable, it is then fleeting and impossible to grasp… Billowing, rippling, jumping and sighing. As part of the interplay of fog with other materials and objects, various images and landscapes are created, inviting you to walk through and be immersed in them.
Up to three people can visit the installation together with one ticket.
Notes on accessibility: Information about the structural accessibility of the venue can be found here. Visitors will move through the installation: it is mandatory to wear a medical mask throughout the entire event. No seating options are provided. Lots of artificial fog is used.
10.11. Wed
11.11. Thu
12.11. Fri
Artistic concept and realization
scheinzeitmenschen – Birk-André Hildebrandt & Valeska KlugHead of production
Helene EwertProduction assistance
Simone SpeltenCello play
Tobias SickenVoice recordings
Philipp Blömeke/wardrobe voicesGraphic design
Ulrike WeidlichPhotos
Sven NeidigVideo
Sebastian Behler/BELAIRmedienKoproduktion mit
Rottstr5-Kunsthallen Bochumwww.scheinzeitmenschen.euThe project was realized in the frame of FIDENA Residency Programme 2020.