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Big and small Worlds

Making the Invisible Visible
  • Theater Tineola, Tschechien
  • Duration 50 Minutes
  • in German spoken language
    from 9
  • Adullt 10,00 € | reduced 9,00 € | Child 7,00 € | groups with JKS voucher 5,50 € | groups without JKS voucher 5,00 €
  • Performance with drawings made in real time

Michaela Bartoňová
Michaela Bartoňová
Michaela Bartoňová
Michaela Bartoňová
Michaela Bartoňová

The new production by Michael Bartoňová and Ralf Lücke is all about microorganisms and bacteria, about human beings and animals, about the cosmos and about how everything is intertwined. It talks about the search and the motivation of the scientists:…

The new production by Michael Bartoňová and Ralf Lücke is all about microorganisms and bacteria, about human beings and animals, about the cosmos and about how everything is intertwined. It talks about the search and the motivation of the scientists: visually, artistically, informatively. Proceeding from discoveries made in the micro world, an astounding kaleidoscope of drawings made in real time merged with objects, dance and figure theater appears on the screen.

Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here.

Exchange with the artistic team “Big and small worlds” (30min), in German
Moderation: Theaterpädagogik
Thu 23.1. 10:50
Fri 24.1. 10:50
Duration: approx. 30 minutes, registration at:


23.1. Thu

24.1. Fri


25.1. Sat

Ralf Lücke

Live drawing on iPad, scenography
Michaela Bartoňová

Azadeh Kangarani, Michaela Bartoňová

Azadeh Kangarani

Ralf Lücke, Petar Mrdjen

Co-production with
Theater Rafael Zwischenraum, Berlin

Funded by
Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds, ATI – Arts and Theatre Institute

