Schaubude Berlin
Greifswalder Str. 81-84
Public transportation
10405 Berlin
(030) 42 34 31 4
»Greifswalder Straße«-
S1, S231
The Princess and the Pea
- Schäfer-Thieme-Produktion, Berlin
- Duration 50 minutes
in German5
- Adult €9,00 | concession €8,00 | Child €6,50 | group with JKS concession €4,50 | group without JKS concession €5,00
Once upon a time there was a prince who wished to marry a real princess. He travelled all over the world, but found none. There were enough princesses, but there was always something missing or wrong. Until the young prince meets a particularly beautiful, strange, sensitive girl ...
Note on barrier-free access: You can find information on the structural accessibility of the venue here.
6.12. Tue
7.12. Wed
8.12. Thu
10.12. Sat
11.12. Sun
Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme
Team, Giovanni Reber
Puppet making
Peter Lutz, Sybille Wredenhagen
Stage design
Josef Schmidt
Co-production with
La Strada – Internationales Festival für Figuren- und Straßentheater Graz, Schaubude Berlin